Shooting through haze and thin clouds for most of the evening. Supposed to clear off for a couple of hours after midnight. Desperate for a clear night! 75 > 70F, humidity 70%, light breeze. Update – cleared off around midnight – middle of second wr135 spectrum.
Rig #1: WR134, 135, 137
I spend some time last night dodging clouds and re-collimating the telescope to see if that is what is causing the asymmetrical spectral traces – to no avail. Collimation seems not to be the problem. Not sure the data tonight will be high enough S/N due to the thin clouds, but seeing is actually pretty good and I’ve managed to maintain pretty good focus. Hopefully that can compensate a bit for the thin clouds. 11:52pm as I type this and the clouds do seem to be thinning somewhat.
Rig #2: V1101 Aqr
I’ll likely follow this object for the next few weeks. Joe Patterson requesting long runs on this star, a “negative superhumper”. Like with rig #1, not sure these data will end up being useful.
All in all a pretty good night – no major issues – set up darks for -10C on each camera. Out at 3:12am