Clear and cool – unseasonaly cool – low expected to be around 62F, 74 at sunset, humidity 50%. Some clouds are supposed to pass through early. We’ll see. Seeing is average to slightly above, maybe 1.8 arcsec.
UPDATE: Clouds rolled in around 12:30am or so. Got two full cycles of the WR stars before shutting it down.
Rig #1: WR134,135,137
See if I can get three full cycles!
Rig #2: V1101 Aql
This guy is much brighter tonight than the other two nights I’ve observed it. Running 30-second integrations and still getting S/N well above 100.
Had trouble getting rig#2 running. Somehow everything lost communication with the mount, so I disconnected all software from the mount, exited NexRemote, turned mount power off then on, reconnected NexRemote and did a cold start (find switch, etc.) First attempt failed, turned power off/on – second attempt succeeded, but in finding switch the mount ran a long way (20 degrees?) in declination past switch before stopping and returning. Found position an all was well. Hmmmmmm.